Context-Aware Mobile and Pervasive Data Management

January 24-25, 2002

Brown University, Providence, RI

Organizing Committee

Panos K. Chrysanthis
Maggie Dunham
Anupam Joshi
Vijay Kumar
Krithi Ramamritham
Ouri Wolfson
Stan Zdonik

Jointly funded by the Information and Data Management Program/IIS/CISE, Advanced Networking Research Program/ANIR/CISE, Communications Research Program/CCR/CISE, and Signal Processing Systems Program /CCR/CISE. Grant ID: IIS-0099128

This is the first workshop of a planned workshop series. These workshops will address how data flows and how it is managed in present environment. The goal of the workshop is to set an agenda and to stimulate and focus interest in this important emerging area of area of data management for context-aware, mobile computing environments, which can be identified as an aspect of the popular term "Pervasive computing".

As wireless bandwidth becomes more widely available, the communication infrastructure will be heavily wireless oriented. It will provide adaptive connectivity among stationary systems and portable devices such as cell phones, laptops, and other such future devices. Under this platform the computing will begin to migrate away from the desktop toward these devices consequently it will become necessary to manage data more carefully. Industry and academia recognized wireless devices as an important area for development, however, the problems of data management have not been addressed in a coordinated manner. This workshop aims to fill this gap by providing a forum for leading researchers from both industry and academia in the areas of information management, wireless networking, communications and signal processing systems to set the research agenda for the future. This workshop will lead to a more cohesive research community and will result in a quicker development and adoption of technologies for this new area. It will facilitate the development of new standards and will provide the synergy necessary for the US technical community to become a dominant player in this field. The results of the workshop will be made available online through the following web sites and will also be reported in periodicals (e.g., ACM and IEEE) and relevant conferences, workshops or meetings.

A tentative workshop program is as follows. A detailed agenda will be mailed to all invitees in due course.


Invitations sent October 3, 2001.
Attendees finalized October 15, 2001.
Position papers due December 15, 2001.
WORKSHOP January 24, 25, 2002.
Workshop summary on web site February 8, 2002.
Report draft to Maria for approval March 1, 2002.