ECON-353 Financial Analysis and the Economy
Course: ECON-353
Title: Financial Analysis and the Economy
Professor: Stephanie A. Bell, Ph.D.
Office: 203B Manheim Hall
Phone: 235-5700
Office Hrs: 2:00-3:30 T,TR and by appointment
Textbooks: Keynes, J.M., The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money | ![]() |
Wolfson, M.H., Financial Crises: Understanding the Postwar Experience | ||
Roo-Pak, Financial Analysis and the Economy |
Description: ECON 353 is designed to provide the student with a framework
for evaluating the cyclical behavior of the economy. Since this course is entitled
"Financial Analysis and the Economy," we will emphasize the role of money and
finance in our examination of the economy. Specifically, we will examine changes in the
balance sheets of households, businesses, and financial institutions the three
dominant private sectors in the American economy. As we will discover, these changes will
correspond to changes in the behavior of the macro economy.
Learning Objectives: The course will be divided into two (not necessarily equal) parts. In the first part of the course, we will consider the importance of investment and the role of finance. We will answer questions like: (1) How do businesses decide when to invest and how to finance their investment?; (2) Why is investment so volatile?; and (3) Why do financial crises (or "credit crunches") occur? In the second part of the class we will evaluate our business-cycle model, focusing on the 1991-2000 expansion. We will look for empirical evidence to support the theoretical model developed in the first part of the class.
Expectations: I have certain expectations concerning your responsibilities and your behavior in this class.
Participation 100 points
Exam #1 100 points
Paper/Presentation 100 points
Final Exam 100 points
Participation 15%
Exam #1 25%
Final #2 30%
Paper/Presentation 30%
Policies: No makeup exams will be given. [Note: if you notify me of an excused absence at least one week prior to a midterm exam, you may be able to take an early make-up exam, at my discretion. Excused absences include university-sponsored events and medical appointments each requires written notification from the coach, sponsor, or doctor, as appropriate. Make-up exams will not be given to students who wake up with a stomachache, a flat tire, a sore throat, etc. on exam day.] An unexcused absence will result in an F on the exam.
* Exam dates and a due date
for the paper will be determined in the coming weeks.
**Late papers will be penalized 10 points per day.